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\n"; do { $gettitle=mysql_query("select title, artist from cds where cdnum='$get[0]'",$db); if ($got=mysql_fetch_row($gettitle)) { echo "\n"; do { $covernum=substr($get[0], 2, 6); if ($got[1]) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } while($got=mysql_fetch_row($gettitle)); echo "
$got[0] - $got[1]
\n"; } } while($get=mysql_fetch_row($getlist)); echo "
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\n"; } else { echo "CD charts temporarily offline
\n"; } echo "
\n"; $getlist=mysql_query("select songnum, value from iesgcharts where songnum like 'sg2%' order by value desc limit 0,20",$db); if($get=mysql_fetch_row($getlist)) { echo "Top 20 Indie Songs at InnerEchos
\n"; do { $gettitle=mysql_query("select title, author from songs where songnum='$get[0]'",$db); if ($got=mysql_fetch_row($gettitle)) { do { if($got[1]) { echo "$got[0] by $got[1]
\n"; } else { echo "$got[0]
\n"; } } while($got=mysql_fetch_row($gettitle)); } } while($get=mysql_fetch_row($getlist)); echo "
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\n"; } else { echo "Song charts temporarily offline.
\n"; } ?>
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